Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Getting ready for my next trip...

Only a month away, and I am excited to return to Japan. I anticipate many changes since my winter trip, which was just before the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

I worked with 30 clients via skype in May and June, and was heartened to hear that for many, life goes on relatively unaltered, though there seems to be an renewed motivation to find in life that which has meaning and not waste time in ways that are not working. My own experience has also taught me to heed the 'wake up' calls that propel us towards our true soul path of purpose, rather than being stuck in the 'shoulds' of our programming.

Summer in Tokyo will be very hot and humid, as usual. But this trip, the added challenge will be reduced air conditioner use, as Tokyo received a good deal of electricity from the damaged nuclear power plants. Glad I have my Japanese folding fan, and the tolerance for heat built up over the last few months of scorching weather at home.

I welcome questions, and suggestions for things to check out here in Tokyo, and near by. I've seen many temples, historic sites and museums, so this next trip, my explorations will take me out in nature, to see the waterfalls, rivers and mountains.

Many blessings,