Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday - Jan. 17

Went for a brisk...and I mean BRISK...walk on Sunday. It looks nice in the photos, but it was freezing and windy. Needed to find some nature amidst the bizillions of high fashion urban crowds. I revisited the Roppongi Hills shopping area, a modern complex, including these sweet gardens. Amazed to find things blooming.

Camellias on the left, not sure what the yellow blossoms are. That's the Roppongi Tower in the background. It's my landmark building, 52 stories tall, so I don't get too lost as I wander around.

Monday, I had lunch with a couple ladies from work. I think they called the style of food Shabu shabu. That's where there's a boiling pot of water in the middle of the table and they serve you a platter of raw meat, noodles and vegies. You hold stuff in the water with your chopsticks until it's cooked, then bring it out and dip it into sauces. Yum! And it's right up my alley - I get to play with my food, I don't eat too fast and the meal never gets cold!

Here's what part of dinner looked like last night - not even sure what kind of mushrooms they are! The most exotic things (to me) are inexpensive, but things we take for granted as cheap and available, like spam and peanut butter, are off the charts expensive.

Tomorrow I begin my work...first event is an evening seminar which is designed as an introduction to me and my work. I'll be presenting my SoulShift Healing Process, and doing some mini-readings with volunteers from the audience.

Thanks for checking in. I love to read your posts.

1 comment:

Julieju said...

Thanks Daeryl, very cool journey you are on and a blessing for those of us getting to share it with you in this way.