Love having a view! I sit up in bed in the morning, to drink my coffee and this is what I see.

So, here's more photos as promised. Wandered around the neighborhood. This pond and waterfall are part of nearby Arisugawa Park. Lots of young mothers with kids, older men lined up for fishing, foot paths, bridges, and trees almost ready to bust out in leaves and blossoms. I know I'm going to enjoy coming here quite a bit, just to be in a bit of nature. I love walking around - there's so much to see.
This new neighborhood is great. Lots of shops and restaurants, and a variety of grocery stores. More geared for all of the nearby embassies. I've had sushi several times, yum. After my Ustream seminar on Monday evening, I had the pleasure of sitting next to an older Japanese man, who was hesitant to speak English with me, but once he got going he was quite charming. I constantly amused and delighted by the graciousness of the Japanese.

In my shopping, down little alleys, I saw a "President Obama" shopping bag, next to Hello Kitty and other bags.
Speaking of Hello's an ole dude I spotted just sitting and staring at me. I call him "Go Away and Leave Me Alone" Kitty.
Tonight, I'm presenting an introductory seminar, which I really enjoy. It'll be great to talk to a real audience, as so far this trip I've only been on camera! Then I have a day off, before three days of client sessions.

This building caught my eye. Covered with a layer of frosted glass, and with the gray sky, it almost looks like it's got a sheet of ice on it. The architecture here is amazing modern art.
Thanks to those who send me emails letting me know you read my blog! Great to have a little back and forth, especially in English, while I am over here.
Rots of Rove!
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