Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thought For The Day - Nature's Lesson
The rhythms of nature presents an ongoing lesson for our own living. We know that there is always change - night to day, winter to spring, storm to calm - nothing stays as it is. And that which looks "terrible" often serves a purpose. Death feeds the new growth and floods deposit fertile soil. Whatever you are in the midst of now is part of the rhythm of your own soul nature, and it will surely change.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thought For The Day - Contagious Love
You always have a choice - to take on another's fears, or focus on generating a positive outlook. By refusing to accept the gloom of the moment, to remember your soul essence and the ability you have to operate in alignment with a higher power, you shift the emotional "wave" to love. Whatever is stronger will be contagious.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thought For The Day - Contagious Fear
When you are worrying about something bad happening ask yourself, "Is this my feeling, or someone else's?" You may be interpreting your sense of things through your unseen connections to others, or you may be responding to false beliefs planted in your mind long ago. Either way, someone else's fears have become contagious.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thought For The Day - Aching
Whether it's your body, your heart or your mind that is aching, the issue is the same. You have worked it too hard and you need to shake it loose. Move the energy - dance, greet a stranger with a smile, laugh at a silly movie - anything to shift the rigid density of your present moment.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thought For The Day - Hope
Remember... During times when you feel hopeless, when you know that there is no way out... Something big is just about to shift.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thought For The Day - Living
Life is an adventure, a grand experiment. Live it fully, but don't take the game too seriously.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thought For The Day - Gratitude
Be grateful for at least five things every day, no matter how hard you have to stretch to think of them. When you do, the list will continually grow.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thought For The Day - True Power
True power is the inner strength to persevere in the face of adversity, to have hope in the midst of struggle, and to have faith when there is no evidence.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thought For The Day - Individuality
Every soul has their own unique purpose, life choices and way of being on this Earth. No one else is like you. No one else should be like you.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thought For The Day - Stocking Up on Love
Love is the only thing you take with you when you leave this Earth. So, give and receive as much as you can while you are here. Now's your big chance.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thought For The Day - Hanging Onto the Past
Trying to have a happy life while hanging onto the past is like trying to dance with a dead fish tied to your ankle. It's just a mess until you shake it loose!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thought For The Day - Parents
When you are a child, you see your parents as infallible, almost like Gods. When you are a teenager, you think your parents must be crazy! Eventually, you realize that they are human, just like you, learning as they go.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thought For The Day - Simple Lessons
If you don't learn your soul's lessons when presented with a simple learning opportunity, life will continue to present the lesson in more dramatic ways until you do.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thought For The Day - Motivation
If you have a goal that you want badly enough, you will find an inner power naturally driving you and do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem. If you don't believe me, just ask a drug addict.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thought For The Day - Avoiding Choices
When you avoid making a choice, either putting it off or leaving it up to someone else, you actually are making a choice. You are deciding to not be responsible for your own life.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thought For The Day - Dangerous Acceptance
We are drawn to where we can find love and acceptance. We will stay in an environment, even if it is detrimental in some way, if that is where we think these needs will be met.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thought For The Day - Victimization
No matter what anyone does to you, it's not about you. A person's tendency to respond in anger, emotional pain or fear is an indication of their own inner feelings. You are just a convenient place to act those feelings out.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thought For The Day - Blame
Blaming someone else is a distraction from your own healing and empowerment. It's like giving someone else permission to control your thoughts.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thought For The Day - Pettiness
When you are dealing with someone who seems bent on criticism of things you find petty, their real issue is probably not the detail of the moment, but some underlying fear. Instead of responding with defensiveness or hostility, look beyond, to perceive the root of their discomfort. Then, whatever is said, coat your words with an energy of safety and calm.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thought For The Day - Who to Believe
You can tell a great teaching not so much by what it does for the student, but by the effect it has on the teacher.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thought For The Day - Options
We often avoid an option that would ultimately be for our greatest good, thinking it is the "wrong" thing. If circumstances seem to continually derail you from the choices you are making, it may be time to entertain that "other" option. What may currently look like the wrong thing, may be the "right" option your guides are trying to steer you to.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thought For The Day - Unraveling
When you are holding tight to a life that isn't really working, the unraveling is the beginning of healing and balance.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thought For The Day - Imagination (part 3)
Knowing the power of your imagination, focus on your vision, until you respond emotionally to that vision. Thoughts give birth to feelings. Feelings make your visions real.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thought For The Day - Imagination (part 2)
If you doubt your ability to create a vision that leads to a strong feeling which manifests in real life, pay attention to what happens the next time you worry. Worry is praying for failure.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thought For The Day - Imagination (part 1)
Our minds are powerful tools to access the unlimited potential of our soul essence, to unstick us from the "reality" of our human experience. To imagine is to allow an image in, a conscious intention to have an image in your mind of something different than what already exists.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thought For The Day - Unpredicable Changes
When we feel thrown off balance by the unpredictable changes around us, the natural tendency is to hang on tight. Our human fears can restrict us even when it is more powerful to be flexible and active. Release yourself to your soul's adventure and start dancing on the marbles!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thought For The Day - Avoidance
Our natural human tendency to avoid what is uncomfortable is a diversion from the true movement of our soul. Rather than dodge an issue, a feeling, a person, a challenging situation, reach out and grab it - even if it makes you uncomfortable. Like grabbing a giant soap bubble, once you embrace it, it dissipates. It no longer exists. You can move on.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thought For The Day - Don't Skip Anger
If you skip the anger part of the grief process and go too quickly to forgiveness, you do not really come out clean. Like stepping in dog doo, but not wanting to deal with it, you may hope it'll just come off as you go, but no matter what you walk through, it doesn't really come clean. Not until you stop and forcefully hose it out of the little crevices in your soul!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thought For the Day - Approval
No one was ever inspired to grow or change by being criticized. If you want to help someone embrace a change, try letting them know first the things they are doing right. With words of approval, even if you can only commend them for their desire or intention to do the right thing, you give them encouragement and permission to be open, to be even better.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thought For The Day - Returning
Sometimes our awareness or focus gets pulled in a direction other than what we would like to see happen in our lives, away from what we think we need to be doing or want to create. Then, there is an opportunity to attend to the thing that is holding us back, like having to stop walking to take the pebble out of our shoe. If we embrace what we have been "called away" to do, then when we return, we are stronger, clearer and more successful.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thought For The Day - Cosmic Connection
When you feel like you are struggling alone "down here" on Earth, trying to make things happen without a whole lot of success, it is because your awareness is focused mostly on your human self. Picture the essence of your soul, like a mass of energy inside of you, expanding outward and upward, until that invisible self reaches far into the cosmos. Feel the sensation of uniting with a pulse, a life-force surging back to you. You are now connected to a never-ending source of "juice" - the energy you need to do your life. Breathe it in!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thought For The Day - Truth
What is true for one person may be different from the reality that another sees. The key is not to try and discern absolute truth, but to find understanding of the various perspectives and look for honesty.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Thought For The Day - Flexibility
Focus and determination are essential assets to achieving goals, but without flexibility - the ability to have appropriate reflexes when something changes - our thinking and actions start to move in rigid opposition to the natural flow and direction of the universe.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thought For The Day - Strength
It takes strength of character to maintain the focus of your vision even in the face of criticism from others. It takes even greater strength to change your position when you realize you are wrong.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thought For The Day - Troubles
Whatever your troubles are that seem to be right in your face, there is another way to view them. If you look at things from the long-term soul perspective instead of the human drama, you may see a different way to approach the issue, a more worthy solution, a more graceful way of accepting things. Trouble, to the soul, is simply the unraveling that comes before the new tapestry can be woven.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thought For The Day - Pause
Without taking a moment to review the depths of your soul purpose, you may find yourself swirling in circles. The human aspect of ourselves gets lost in the details - without a pause.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thought For The Day - Merriment
Even if you still have work to do, things that could be accomplished, grant yourself the occasional shift of focus to group merriment. Take time to recharge the source of enthusiasm that is used up in work.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thought For The Day - Separation
At the heart of our human anguish, the motivating drive behind so many of our actions, is the soul's sense of separation. In our bodies, we are not able to feel as connected as we once did while immersed in the Spirit realm. Even with too many others around us, we can still feel alone.
Take a moment and put yourself back into the feeling that your soul remembers. Imagine every other person around you (as well as your self) as a new born baby, with the pure loving Spirit each soul comes in with. Hold this image as you go through your day and see what happens.
Take a moment and put yourself back into the feeling that your soul remembers. Imagine every other person around you (as well as your self) as a new born baby, with the pure loving Spirit each soul comes in with. Hold this image as you go through your day and see what happens.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thought For The Day - Agitation
The reason a young child is able to switch out of agitation is because they are fully present in their frustration. They naturally use stomping, crying and complaining to "get it out." (The only real problem with these outbursts is that they are directed to another person in an attempt to have someone else "fix it.") So, on your own, without lashing out at others, allow yourself to acknowledge your inner temper tantrum and find a way to let off some steam. Release your emotional pressure cooker, and then address whatever is agitating you.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thought For The Day - Experience
A personal grapple with challenge is more valuable, to yourself and others, than the greatest wisdom relayed without experience.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thought For The Day - Regrets
Spending a little reflection on what you regret is only useful in helping you to avoid repeating mistakes. To stay there longer limits your soul's ability to move forward in creating your life the way you would like it now.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thought For The Day - Too Many Things
Do you find yourself struggling with the challenge of "Too Many Things?" This can be too many choices, too many emotions, too many people's demands, too many tasks, too many problems, etc. As long as you are trying to address them all, as if they were equally important, you will be as a person trying to put out a field of scattered fires with one tiny bucket. Take a deep breath, allow a vision of clarity into your mind - see what has the most value to you and focus your energy on that. Put out the biggest fires and the others go out themselves.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thought For The Day - Direction
Sometimes what we think we are supposed to be doing is very different than the direction our soul knows we should take. We are driven by all kinds of "extra" signals, so getting quiet and allowing the voice of our soul to lead us to what is most important next can point us back in the right direction.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thought For The Day - Distraction
Don't assume that to be distracted is always a bad thing. Sometimes a distraction is a knock on the head from Spirit, or your soul essence, giving you a clue when you are too focused in the wrong direction. Just take a moment and ask yourself, "Is this really what serves me best in this moment?" It is possible that your agenda was actually a distraction from your true path!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thought For The Day - The Next Thing
When you reach a milestone, accomplish a goal or complete a series of tasks, do you take the time to review, reflect and relish the moment? Or are you driven to rush to the next thing? Step out of your human doing and give your soul a chance to breathe. Then, the next thing will be determined by your higher soul self instead of your habitual impulses.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thought For The Day - Annoyance
When you become annoyed, you are being given an opportunity to step outside of yourself and notice the world around you. Instead of seeing things only from your own perspective and focusing on what you want, try a new angle. See how your actions and desires might blend with those around you - regain your sense of connection.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thought For The Day - Awakening
When you realize that there is more going on than the details of your human life, you embrace the possibility of your soul's greatness.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thought For The Day - Your Job
You are part of a team, a Spirit guide team. Their job is to help you with the miracles that will move you forward on your soul path. Your job is to let them.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thought For The Day - Synchronicity
Where ever your body goes and what ever your human form gets you into, know that your soul is everywhere at all times. Your soul has the capacity to do more than you know. You may think that you are alone, but your soul is setting up synchronicity appointments.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thought For The Day - Gloom
If you are stuck in depression or low energy, see yourself like a fairy mired in dry mud up to her waist. You may have wallowed in your emotional muck so long, that it seems solid. Have you had enough? The only way out is to get fierce, to kick and stomp, to transform the force of your frustration into the break free motion of rebellion!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thought For The Day - Asking for Help
Asking for help can be an opening. If you know how good it feels to wholeheartedly help another, and the value of that connection, why would you deny another the opportunity of helping you?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thought For The Day - Stagnation
When you feel stuck, know that you are like a murky pool of water. Pools are created by larger forces of water such as downpours, high tide oceans and raging streams. Similarly, your soul is only temporarily disconnected from it's powerful source. You are part of the Universal Soul. Envision your connection and allow it to move through you, to rinse clear and rejuvenate your soul.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thought For The Day - Zest
There are times when our human personality loses some of our soul's zest for living. To counter the "drag" that our situations and fears may create, tap into the life force energy at the center of the planet. As you imagine that molten power coming up through the ground, into your legs, up into your solar plexus, remember that this source of energy is available whenever your "batteries" need charging.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thought For The Day - Rewards
Every time you do the right thing, instead of the easy thing, the Universe rewards you. This includes maintaining positive thoughts in the midst of fear, being strong in challenging situations, or putting your immediate gratification aside in the interest of something more important.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thought For The Day - Amazement
What is beyond belief in the eyes of your human personality and frame of reference is a "normal" occurrence from the perspective and wisdom of your soul. When you wonder... ask yourself, "What does my soul essence think of this?"
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thought For The Day - Hope
Hope is Having Optimism Preceding Evidence. How do you have "hope" when you don't know for sure what will happen? The ability to maintain your vision of how things could be, in a positive way, requires that you first avoid the temptation to focus on what could go wrong.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thought For The Day - What's Hidden
It's easy to lose sight of the good when so much "bad" news is all around us. Know that there are marvelous things in the works for you, even if you are not yet aware of them. Magic remains hidden until just the right time.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thought For The Day - Despair
When we lose hope, when we have no wind in our sails, what is at the core is a sense of separation. A sense that we are disconnected from the flow of life and stuck doing things the hard way... all alone. Take a moment to recognize and acknowledge your connection to Spirit. Imagine it as an endless source of "wind" that you only need to turn your sail towards to feel a burst of support.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thought For The Day - Processing Time
When things come at us too fast and we don't get a chance to experience their value or discard them as irrelevant, our minds become as cluttered and unworkable as a room full of unread newspapers.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Thought For The Day - Practice
If something does not come naturally, we need to practice - doing something over and over, even though we aren't that good at it yet. What is it you would like to become better at? Communication, tolerance, understanding, self-discipline? Just about everything we need to become more fulfilled human beings takes practice.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Thought For The Day - Arrival
When you finally reach your destination, are you able to relish in it? Or do you immediately look to the next achievement, the next interaction, the next thing to be done? Take some time to BE where you have arrived, before you lose the joy of your accomplishment to your habit of moving forward.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Thought For The Day - Trouble
Sometimes things have to get a lot worse before they can get better. Trouble is not always a "bad" thing, but a signal that something needs adjusting, in our personal lives or global situations. Trouble is the foghorn that warns us not to crash into the rocks.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Thought For The Day - Impatience
Impatience is not so much a desire to have something else now as it is a need to escape your current situation. Pay attention to why you are uncomfortable and you will reduce the urgency you feel as you work towards the better thing.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Thought For The Day - Tradition
Belonging and acceptance are human needs that motivate us to form traditions. As children, we are not naturally inclined to risk rejection or abandonment in the interest of doing things a new way. We resist change. So as adults, it takes a conscious effort, a constant evaluation of our motives to make sure that our fear is not keeping us stuck in ways that no longer serve us.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thought For The Day - The Surface
Before you decide you know what is going on, look beneath the surface. Before you assume you understand what another person is saying, or why, look beneath the surface to what their perspective may be. What have they perceived? What are they motivated by? There is more going on that what you see.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thought For The Day - Persistence
What does it mean to be persistent? It involves the ability to maintain a vision and a clear direction of your goal, even though there are images and influences in opposition. Even though it may be easier to go with the flow or adapt to the common status quo, persistence is the ability to walk over and through the muck (instead of looking down and getting stuck in it) to get where you know you need to be.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thought For The Day - Dancing
What if everything you did felt like dancing? Here's an experiment... In everything you do today, as you move about in your usual activities, hold the vision in your mind and body that you are flowing with the joyful grace of dance.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thought For The Day - Illusion
Everything you see is coming through the filter of your own expectations. If you anticipate being attacked, then even the most innocent comment is perceived as criticism. If you anticipate problems entering your world, then even the littlest challenge is perceived as crisis. In any situation, ask yourself, "What is real and what is my own illusion?"
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thought For The Day - Calm
To learn how to be calm in the midst of swirling chaos is one of the greatest challenges, and the greatest trick to changing one's world. Instead of being rattled and influenced by the drama around you, imagine yourself like a glass covered pool. No matter how fierce the wind rages above the surface, no matter what other force seeks to blast into your center, you have the ability to remain still and centered. Let the storm go by.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thought For The Day - Pushing
For a rose to bloom, it only needs water and sunshine. It doesn't need you to pull back the petals. The same is true for people. No one every bloomed by being threatened or criticized.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thought For The Day - Clarity
One trick I know for gaining clarity, for sorting through the chaos or confusion, is to get the energy moving. Letting it swirl around in your head is about as useful as a dog chasing it's tail. To avoid going in circles, take a walk, write down all your thoughts, talk to a good listener, swing a bat, etc. Do whatever works for you to lay the tangled mess all out in one straight line.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thought For The Day - Balance
The nature of this planet is polarity. It is a world of opposites. Know that for every "bad" thing you hear about, for every injustice or hurt, somewhere the opposite is happening.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thought For The Day - The Seed
Like a farmer, preparing the ground and planting a seed, the initial work in any goal are yours to do. But there are also times when there is nothing left to do but trust that underneath the surface, where you cannot see nor influence the process, there is a natural force pushing that seed to turn into the next thing. As long as you are not trampling the ground in your impatience, without any help from you, a new sprout will burst out.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thought For The Day - Funny Bone
When a person is having a difficult time getting over a disappointment - you or someone close to you - know that there is a healing time that must be passed through. No one can force you to lighten up or be positive. I call this the "broken funny bone" phase. One way to tickle a broken funny bone, to encourage the healing, is with the light feather touch of love.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thought For The Day - Contribution
To be mindful of the value of your contribution, and whether or not what you are doing (or not doing) is in balance, imagine a pot of stew on the fire. See the pot as empty, something that needs to be filled by many in order for that group to be fed. The stew is only savory and nutritious if there is a mix of ingredients. No one contribution is more important than another, in fact, even the smallest pinch of spice makes all the difference.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thought For The Day - What's the Buzz?
There are subtle (or not so subtle) vibrations around you, at any given point, which will be received by you. Even if you are not consciously aware, the "buzz" around you becomes part of what your sensory system is trying to evaluate and process. Listening to gossip or someone else's drama, noticing a chirping bird or overhead airplane, or contributing your own noise - all of it plays together in your head. See what happens when you spend a day being highly conscious of the "buzz."
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thought For The Day - Influence
It's easier to see the reflection of your radiance in a clear pool than a dark cave.
Be mindful of who you spend time with.
Be mindful of who you spend time with.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thought For The Day - Other Shoes
Before you take on feeling responsible or taking things personally, try to imagine what the other person is going through. What if you could feel what they were feeling and understand what they are currently motivated by - fear, sickness, work pressures, emotional confusion? There is a humbling realization then, that you are not the center of their universe! What a relief!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thought For The Day - Moderation
When people talk about moderation, they usually refer to behaviors and going too far in a direction regarding things that are bad for you. Likewise, learning to moderate how intense you let your emotions get, or how dark you let your thoughts get, is to derail the impulse of extreme behavior.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thought For The Day - Good News
Whatever situation you find yourself in, and particularly when it is stressful or uncomfortable, ask yourself, "What are the good things about this?" So often we only focus on how we think we want something to be, when in actuality the change that comes about without our control will play out in our favor.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thought For The Day - Support
Do you feel like it is selfish or a sign of weakness to ask for help? Were you trained to do things yourself and to not rely on others? If you view the situation from the other person's position, you may feel better about receiving support. To allow another person to assist you is to give them the opportunity to shine. For them to help you, they shift away from their own sense of separation, and rise to a higher aspect of their being. You may be doing them a favor.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thought For The Day - The Leap
Just before a shift into the next glorious thing, there is a lull, a time when things can appear almost hopeless. When you get in these times - which are part of the natural flow of life - remember this. If you are swimming underwater and struggling to get to the surface, the best way is to push off the bottom!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Thought For The Day - Amusement
Tripping over the tricky parts of our days, we often miss out on the element of amusement that is constantly around us. Like an innocent child, we can find delight in the simple things around us. Imagine for even just 15 minutes of your day that everything you are seeing or doing is for the first time. As you enter into a tedious scenario, pretend that you are a visitor from another planet observing the strange behavior of this human race. Amuse your soul and your human load is lighter.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thought For The Day - Temporary
Our world is constantly in a state of flux. Part of your adventure here is to evaluate the things in your life that are temporary versus long-lasting. Is there something happening now, that you would like to sustain? Is there something that's been going on "forever" that you would like to have end? More than you may think, you are in charge of how long something lasts - even if it is just holding on or letting go of a feeling. Like playing a note on a musical instrument, your mind, your action determines how long the music rings.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thought For The Day - Confusion
The opposite of confusion is clarity, the ability to see clearly. So if you are feeling confusion, first look to what needs to be cleared away from your view of the situation. Perhaps you have been dwelling in thoughts of failure fogging your perspective with self-doubt. Perhaps you are focusing on the emotions or beliefs of others and are only seeing through their eyes. Look beyond the immediate, to the vision of your truth, and focus on moving towards that, away from the muck of the moment.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thought For The Day - First Step
Whenever you are seeking to attain a goal, getting clear on exactly what you want the result to look like is important. But it is just as important, in fact critical, to determine what the first steps look like. Whether you would like to increase connection in a relationship, desire a new place to live, or have a vision for professional success, ask yourself, "What is the first step?" Often, the first step is not an external action, but an internal reevaluation of regrets or self-sabotage that may have hampered you in the past. And a promise to yourself to override that pattern as you move forward.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thought For The Day - Worry
When you worry, you are praying for failure. Your mind is focusing on that which you really don't want to happen - only one of many possible paths. Be mindful of the direction you are pointing yourself. To shift out of worry, picture the energetic "black cloud" around your head, keeping you from seeing the bright side. Then imagine that from the center of your soul, a bright and powerful light moves through your being and blasts away that cloud. Your soul essence has no use for the meanderings of your human fears.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thought For The Day - Struggle
When you get all tangled up, what do you do? First, stop wriggling around long enough to tune into your own responses. Take a moment to recognize how you are feeling and what comes up for you. What is the pattern? How does the current scenario match your childhood training? Are you responding to the current situation as if you were still IN that childhood training?
With this recognition, you are free. You may now try something different, without fear that your world will come tumbling down. What happened in the past, will not necessarily happen now. How you had to respond in the past, is not what will work now. Take a deep breath. Perhaps you can find a new model, by following the example of someone else who handles the same challenge in a very different way than you do - with better results. Muster up new courage, and step out of the struggle.
With this recognition, you are free. You may now try something different, without fear that your world will come tumbling down. What happened in the past, will not necessarily happen now. How you had to respond in the past, is not what will work now. Take a deep breath. Perhaps you can find a new model, by following the example of someone else who handles the same challenge in a very different way than you do - with better results. Muster up new courage, and step out of the struggle.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Thought For The Day - Wonder
If you feel stuck or seem to be running up against the same dead ends. If you don't seem to be able to break through to the different way of being that you would prefer. WONDER. This means be filled with wonder - look around you and pay attention to the things in the world that may delight you. When you delight, your despair and hopelessness is less. Then, with a new view and attitude, WONDER how things could be, if. Imagine taking that one extra step to success, having that lucky break, finding the right words in a tricky situation. Whatever you are perplexed by, be open in your wondering, be open to the next perfect turn of events. Anything is possible.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thought For The Day - Change
The thought for today is to remember, that no matter what it looks like, for yourself or the world, there is change in the works. It will not always be the way it is right now. You may be comfortable or uncomfortable with what is now, but even if you do nothing... something will be different tomorrow.
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